Saturday 13 July 2013

Still Life: Anna Atkins Inspired Cyanotypes

 Anna Atkins was an english 19th century english photographer. She was one of the first people to publish a book illustrated with photographic images and is sometimes known as one of the first women to create a photograph. Atkins father was a scientist who introduced her to science and plant biology.  Atkins received an unusually scientific education for a woman of her time and started to study plant botany which became a big interest of hers. I feel that this played a big part in the fact that Atkins really enjoyed and was good at creating interesting cyanotypes. In 1842 Atkins was introduced to cyanotype photography by the inventor and a good friend of hers called Sir John Herschel. Atkins then experimented a lot over the year and in 1843 she self-published her cyanotypes in the first instalment of her photographs of british algae.

My Anna Atkins inspired cyanotypes:

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