Thursday 11 October 2012

Roni Horn & Shutter Speed

Roni Horn is an American visual artist and writer.  

This is a piece of Roni Horn's work, the picture is of a person with clown makeup on. Roni Horn uses a long shutter speed to capture movement of this person whilst they shake there head. Using a long shutter speed makes the picture have blur and gives the effect of movement. I feel that Roni Horn might of made the person look like a clown to make the pictures scary and creepy for some people because a having a phobia of clowns is very common.

Shutter speed (exposure time) is the length of time a camera's shutter is open. The slower your shutter speed means that you will have a longer exposure time.    

Slower shutter speeds are often selected to suggest movement in a still photograph of a moving subject. Fast shutter speeds can cause a moving object to appear frozen. E.g, a running person may be caught with both feet in the air looking like there is no movement because also everything around the person also looks still. However when a slower shutter speed is selected, a longer time passes from the moment the shutter opens till the moment it closes, and the person will be in movement whilst this is happening (causing blur to appear on your photograph) .

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